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About Us

Since 2020, we've gone from walking just a couple of dogs to growing a fantastic client base across Stafford, which we lovingly refer to as the Waggy's Pack. Everything we do at Waggy's is designed to make your dog happier while also giving you peace of mind that they're in good hands while they're with us.


Of course, we couldn't deliver our high-quality dog walking services to all of the amazing doggos in our pack without our equally amazing walkers. Meet them below!



As well as being Waggy's Founder, Shell (pictured with her Doodle Maggie) is also the Chief Walker. Sometimes she pinches herself at the thought. Not usually when it's raining.

Shell has always been animal mad and, after studying animal care at college and Zoology at university, she spent some time working in an RSPCA rescue centre where she confirmed that dogs were indeed her favourite. In her words, "no other animal brings as much love, companionship, or joy".

Shell's love for dogs inspired her to start a business that focused on giving some of the joy they bring back to them, and what better way to do that than with walks they love. Waggy's was born.

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